Hi all,
I have a large data set consisting of GDP data for about 105 countries. I need to classify each of those countries into an income category (low income, lower-middle income, upper-middle income and high income countries).
The income classification is based on certain thresholds. For example:
Low income country - Between 0 and 2000$ per capita
Lower middle income - Between 2000 and 7000$ per capita
Upper middle income - Between 7000 and 12000$ per capita
High income country - 12000$ and above per capita
This results into three thresholds:
x1 - 2000$
x2 - 7000$
x3 - 12000$
At the moment, all the countries are listed with their full GDP per capita, for example 5000$. Instead, I want all countries to be classified with a 0 (low income), 1 (lower middle income), 2 (upper middle income) or 3 (high income).
So a country with a per capita income of 5000$ should be ranked as 1 (lower middle income), as their income is between the thresholds x1 (2000$) and x2 (7000$).
I need a macro to do this, since I will have do these rankings about 10.000 to 100.000 times for different Thresholds sets. Meaning:
Now the thresholds are 2000$, 7000$ and 12000$, but I will do the same for (Threshold set 1) 2250$, 7250$ and 12250 & (Threshold set 2) 2500$, 7500$ and 12500$ & (Threshold set 3)....& (Threshold set 10.000)...
So, in conclusion:
Problem/Question: Have to change data to 0, 1, 2 and 3s based on threshold values
In need of: A macro that will quickly change the data, since this process has to be repeated at least 10.000 times.
Purpose: I will use all 10.000+ calculations to test which of the sets has the highest correlation with a benchmark threshold set.
Please find attached my Workbook with two sheets (Data & Thresholds).
So far, I have the following macro:
The problem with this code is that it only replaces the value with 0, 1, 2 or 3 if the GDP value is exactly the same as the threshold value, whereas I need it to change when (for example) it is smaller than or equal to the threshold value.
Hopefully you can help with this (at least for me) complicated issue.