for the 1st issue, try to grab the block with this.
IF this doesn't work, you can use the bounce up from the final row in column B as used elsewhere ie:
then set the range as range("b1:b" & iLR)
as for the key issue, looks like the compiler is converting rng to Rng which doesnt exist hence the problem. I was using the Items method of the range object but maybe got a little lost in the syntax.maybe try rng.range("A1"), or rng.cells(1,4) etc and see how that works
I now see the error of my ways, there are 2 different ways of defining a block being confused here. We can either define a block by range("a1:a10") or else we have to do with 2 fully defined start/end ranges within another range statement with commar separator like range(range("a1"), range("a10")).
for the keys for the sort, just try retyping "Rng" back to "rng". I dont know why it would have got changed. If the compiler is for some reason changing it back to Rng, then best use Ctrl+f and find and replace all instances of Rng to something else. Good luck.