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Debug Help?

  1. #1
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    Debug Help?

    Help, I did have this code working but made some changes and lost a save when my pc crashed.
    Cant seem to get the following 2 lines right?
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    This code basically searches all worksheets for each value in an array, when it finds each value it needs to add 2 offset values from the found values next to the original value in the array (thats the bit im stuck on). Cant see what im not doing, staring me in the face no doubt?
    This is the whole code:
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  2. #2
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    Re: Debug Help?

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    You are assigning, or copying the rng found in to these two arrays, but what do you wish to do after copying them in to an array? If you wish to copy them in to a range, you do not need to copy them in to array, you can do it directly, or you have to copy back the array you assigned in to a range

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Debug Help?

    Im getting myself so confused!! I need to copy the offset values into the offset cells of each of the array values.
    So, if A1 is the first value of the array, I need to copy the offset values from the found rng into B1 and C1. Does that make sense?

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Re: Debug Help?

    Just realised im being a fool!!!! As you said just need to copy directly.
    Used this line:
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    Now works fine
    Not sure what I was thinking??

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