
Been looking around and am not that great with vba code. Im trying to find a work-a-round with the copy/paste data and validation issue where if entered the data is validated, but if copy/pasted the value is not checked. Ive seen some code that just utilizes just "checking" the code rather than validate keyword and displaying an error, but I cant seem to change the code to my application. I am using the Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) for all my code. I need a macro that is able to validate or check to ensure a 4 decimal place value only is entered from a range of B7:B50 if entered manually or copy/pasted at any time. Are 2 separate macros needed? One for manual entry and one for copy/paste. I am using vba code to so the formatting can not be over written when someone pastes (also have color/border formatting for ranges). The cells have to be unlocked for data entry, so going this route. I also need to apply to 3 and 2 decimal place applications, but figured the 4 decimal place would give me the base to work off of. Thanks.