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Named Button to Offset Referenced Ranges in workbook when clicked

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Lungfish Named Button to Offset... 12-31-2012, 04:02 AM
Norie You can use TopLeftCell to... 12-31-2012, 04:13 AM
Lungfish Re: Named Button to Offset... 12-31-2012, 04:28 AM
Norie Martin The TopLeftCell... 12-31-2012, 05:08 AM
Norie Re: Named Button to Offset... 12-31-2012, 05:27 AM
Lungfish Re: Named Button to Offset... 01-01-2013, 06:52 PM
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    Named Button to Offset Referenced Ranges in workbook when clicked

    Hi all. Been racking my brain for days and have nothing but a headache to show for it.

    I have a worksheet that contains data relevant to jobs that are in various stages of completion.

    There are 17 jobs (rows) to each sheet.

    A button is used to call a userform that allows me to complete various job tasks (Print, Invoice, email, etc). I have named these buttons @CALL1, @CALL2,........@CALL17.

    Obviously, If I press @CALL1 it will bring up a userform that allows me to deal with Job #1.
    The userform command buttons run macros that contain cell references/Ranges that allow me to prefill templates, documents and emails for printing and saving.

    What I would like to do with the cell References & Ranges is have them offset rows depending on what button is pressed.

    eg. @CALL1 uses Range("B3") for the job number
    @CALL2 uses Range("B6") for the job number
    @CALL17 uses Range("B51") for the job number

    Each Range reference increases rows by 3 for each column. (B3,B6,B9..... D4,D7,D10..... F5,F8,F11, etc, etc)

    I have a code that works very well, but it works for sheets, not ranges. I have tried adapting it but don't understand what I need to be doing.

    Code for named Buttons and sheets (adapted from code suggested by gjlindn on this forum):

    Sub PRINT_FOC()
        Dim iSheetNum As Integer
        iSheetNum = CInt(Replace(ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Name, "@CALL", ""))
        PrintFOC iSheetNum + 1
    End Sub
    Sub PrintFOC(ByVal iSheetNum As Integer)
        Dim lCalc As Long
        Dim bScrUpdt As Boolean
        Dim bEvents As Boolean
        'Speed things up
        With Application
            lCalc = .Calculation
            bScrUpdt = .ScreenUpdating
            bEvents = .EnableEvents
            .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
            .ScreenUpdating = False
            .EnableEvents = False
        End With
        'Do what you want here when button is clicked
        Sheets(iSheetNum).PrintOut Copies:=1
        'Restore settings
        With Application
            .Calculation = lCalc
            .ScreenUpdating = bScrUpdt
            .EnableEvents = bEvents
            .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
        End With
    End Sub
    This works very well for printing sheet 2-18, depending on what button is pressed.

    I have attached the beginning of the code, that calls the userform , when the button is pressed.

    Is there a way that the above button code can be modified or adapted to update ranges?

    Public pwjnum As Integer    ' B3, B6, B9, B12, etc = JOB #
    Public super As String        ' I4, I7, I10, I13, etc   = Supervisor Name
    Public buildcode As String   ' B4, B7, B10, B13, etc = Builder Code
    Sub CallJobFrm01()
    'Ranges used when @CALL1 is pressed
    'Ranges should offset by 3 rows down (in all cases) for @CALL2
    'Ranges should offset by 6 rows down for @CALL3
    ' etc, etc
    pwjnum = Worksheets("CHECKLIST").Range("B3").Value
    super =  Worksheets("CHECKLIST").Range("I4").Value
    buildcode = Worksheets("CHECKLIST").Range("B4").Value
    With JobFrm01
        .Caption = "JOB #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton01.Caption = "PRINT JOB PACK #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton02.Caption = "PRINT F.O.C #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton03.Caption = "PRINT E.B.H R.A #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton04.Caption = "PRINT P.W R.A #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton05.Caption = "COMPILE INVOICE #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton06.Caption = "COMPILE VARIATION #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton07.Caption = "REQUEST VARIATION #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton11.Caption = "EMAIL " & super & " ABOUT THIS JOB?"
        .CommandButton12.Caption = "EMAIL " & buildcode & " ACCOUNTS DEPT ABOUT THIS JOB?"
        .CommandButton14.Caption = "COMPILE 'Blank' INVOICE FOR JOB #" & pwjnum
        .CommandButton15.Caption = "COMPILE,SAVE & EMAIL INVOICE & RISK ASSESSMENT FOR JOB #" & pwjnum
    End With
    End Sub
    Variables have been declared public because they are used in several macros inside this UserForm and other related userforms.


    Last edited by Lungfish; 01-02-2013 at 03:44 PM.

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