Hi XL-experts.
I am new here and I hope you can give me a suitable solution.
I am using the folowing code to show a timed message every 10 minutes. If the user wants to continue working, he must click the OK button.
Else the workbook will close, so others can work with it.
Sub TimedMessage()
Const Title As String = "Self closing message box"
Const Delay As Byte = 5 ' Time in seconds
Const wButtons As Integer = 17 ' Buttons + icon
Dim wsh As Object, msg As String
Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
msg = Space(15) & "Hello," & vbLf & vbLf & "Press ok if you need more time "
wsh.Popup msg, Delay, Title, wButtons
If wsh.Popup(msg, Delay, Title, wButtons) = vbOK Then
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:10:00"), "TimedMessage"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.Close False
End If
Set wsh = Nothing
End Sub
The code is called after 10 minutes from Sub Workbook_Open().
Nice, all works fine, really perfect.
As long as the user is working with one Excel workbook.
But it is not rare that the user uses 2, 3 4 or even 5 workbooks at the same time, including the same code.
And then it is not working anymore.
The messages keep waiting for each other to pop up and continue.
I have tried so many things to solve it.
It just looks like it is only possible to use 1 pop up function in general and they are "communicating" with each other.
Doe someone knows a solution for this?