Here is the macro I found for replicating each row of data into a new worksheet. I was using this for a spreadsheet with more columns, but the principles should be the same:
Sub test()
' This Macro creates the Register sheets for each
' item listed in the main spreadsheet
' if sheet doesn't exist already
Dim LR As Long, Rw As Long
With Sheets("test")
LR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Rw = 3 To LR
If Not Evaluate("ISREF('" & .Range("B" & Rw) & "'!A1)") Then
Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = .Range("B" & Rw)
[B1].Value = .Range("A" & Rw).Value
[B2].Value = .Range("B" & Rw).Value
[B3].Value = .Range("C" & Rw).Value
[B4].Value = .Range("D" & Rw).Value
[B5].Value = .Range("E" & Rw).Value
[B6].Value = .Range("F" & Rw).Value
[B7].Value = .Range("G" & Rw).Value
[B8].Value = .Range("H" & Rw).Value
[B9].Value = .Range("I" & Rw).Value
[B10].Value = .Range("J" & Rw).Value
[B11].Value = .Range("K" & Rw).Value
End If
Next Rw
End With
End Sub
Thanks so much for your help with this.