I surrender... I can't figure this out so I throw myself on your mercy
I have an excel file that has a set of postal addresses scattered amongst the sheets
I have put each postal address into a named range that I called range("AutomationHideifBlankXXXX") where XXXX is something to make each range unique (although I don't think I need that – I can create a union of ranges later.
Then I got some progress (thanks Dom)
For each Rng in ThisWorkbook.names
If instr(Rng,"AutomationHideIfBlank" then
So that's all good.
Now how do I test the row or even just the first cell for blankness?
If rng.value = "" doesn't work – not surprising as it will be all the rows in the range
For each rw in rng.rows
If rw.value = "" throws 13 error
I am not a programmer – sorry for the dumb question.