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Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel VBA

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eemiller1997 Data previously entered on... 12-18-2012, 12:50 PM
Leith Ross Re: Data previously entered... 12-18-2012, 02:01 PM
Norie Re: Data previously entered... 12-18-2012, 02:03 PM
eemiller1997 Re: Data previously entered... 12-19-2012, 09:18 AM
eemiller1997 Re: Data previously entered... 12-19-2012, 09:09 AM
Norie That looks about right,... 12-19-2012, 09:32 AM
eemiller1997 Re: Data previously entered... 12-19-2012, 12:24 PM
eemiller1997 Re: Data previously entered... 12-19-2012, 09:58 AM
  1. #1
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    Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel VBA

    I feel I've asked this before, but apparently not since I cannot find it. It may have just been part of another question.

    My multi-page userform is set up to store the information entered within two different worksheets within the same workbook; however, at some point - either after the Userform is closed or the Excel workbook is closed, it clears the data from the UserForm. I don't want this to happen, ever. I want it always to pull from the information stored so if the user must close down the workbook and return later to finish, or return a month later to add more information to already exhisting information, they don't have to start completely over. How can I get this Userform to behave that way?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel

    Hello eemiller1997,

    The UserForm will not retain data after it has been unloaded from memory. You will have to write the code needed to pull the data from and copy it into the correct controls on the UserForm. Place the code in the UserForm _Initialize event procedure or if there is a lot code, create routines that you can be call in the Initialize event. This will make easier to edit and maintain your code.
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel

    You need code to populate the userform when it opens.
    If posting code please use code tags, see here.

  4. #4
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    Re: Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel

    According to my googling research, to code the data to populate into the Userform during the initialize event, means reversing the code that puts the code onto the worksheet. Is this correct?

    So, this code:

    Private Sub Enter_CommandButton1_Click()
    With Worksheets("JobIntvwData") 'The following data will be stored on the worksheet called JobIntvwData
        'Requistion Tab
        Sheet4.Range("A2") = Me.ReqRcvd
        Sheet4.Range("B2") = Me.ReqNo
        Sheet4.Range("C2") = Me.RecruiterComboBox
        Sheet4.Range("D2") = Me.HMComboBox
        Sheet4.Range("E2") = Me.Job_Title
        Sheet4.Range("F2") = Me.Relo_Avail
        Sheet4.Range("G2") = Me.JobLocation_ComboBox
        Sheet4.Range("H2") = Me.JC_SG
        Sheet4.Range("I2") = Me.BusinessUnit_ComboBox
        Sheet4.Range("J2") = Me.HM_Called
        End With
    End Sub
    would turn into this code....
        With Worksheets("JobIntvwData") 'The following data will be taken from the worksheet called JobIntvwData
        'Requistion Tab
        Me.ReqRcvd = Sheet4.Range("A2") 
        Me.ReqNo = Sheet4.Range("B2") 
        Me.RecruiterComboBox =  Sheet4.Range("C2") 
        Me.HMComboBox = Sheet4.Range("D2") 
        Me.Job_Title = Sheet4.Range("E2") 
        Me.Relo_Avail = Sheet4.Range("F2") 
        Me.JobLocation_ComboBox = Sheet4.Range("G2") 
        Me.JC_SG = Sheet4.Range("H2") 
        Me.BusinessUnit_ComboBox = Sheet4.Range("I2") 
        Me.HM_Called = Sheet4.Range("J2") 
        End With
    And I would place that code into the into the following Initailize event, just after 'Call PopCandidateCombo'?

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'These are the lines of code that populates the combobox.
        Call PopCandidateCombo
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel

    How do I code to pupulate the userform when it opens?

  6. #6
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    That looks about right, though you seem to be missing any interviewers.

  7. #7
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    Re: Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel

    This has worked. Thank you very much!

  8. #8
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    Re: Data previously entered on UserForm dissappears, but still stored on worksheet - Excel

    Yes, I would do the same for that set of data by adding it to the rest of the code above. Great. Thank you. I will test this and get back with you

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