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Advanced filtering within a workbook question using vba

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    Advanced filtering within a workbook question using vba

    I was curious if anyone could assist me with the following issue. In my workbook on a worksheet titled "Lookup" I have a filter in cell "T1" which underneath are a list of personnel. I have other worksheets in this workbook, but ultimately I need the worksheets titled the following:"OvertimePay", "Holiday Pay", "COMP Holiday Pay", "Comp", "Vac-cash", "Comp-Cash", Sick-cash" and "Sickuse pay", all of which are similar in nature as far as layout and have the same personnel list with a filter tab in cell "A1" on there perspective sheets. What I'm looking for is coding or any other method that would automatically filter those sheets mentioned by the filter in cell "A1" when the master "Lookup" sheet is manually filtered from cell "T1". Is this possible?
    Last edited by lilsnoop; 12-18-2012 at 11:27 AM.

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