Hello everybody
I've done some research on the 'net this afternoon and despite finding a number of pages pointing to my problem I haven't found any solutions, so I'm wondering if this is even possible!
I have a workbook that is password protected for commercially sensitive reasons. On one sheet is a button that toggles between hiding and unhiding another sheet of data. When the workbook is password protected and a user tries to unhide the sheet in question, the 'Run time error 1004...' messages appears and I understand from my research that this because of the protection. The problem is I need to be able to do both (FYI as a workaround I've amended the VBA to make the sheet very hidden and then disabled the password protection, but I'm not happy doing this as it leaves the workbook exposed).
The question is therefore as follows...is it possible to have a piece of VBA code that enables hiding/unhiding sheets while the workbook is protected (effectively when the code is executed it 'ignores' or 'overrides' the protection)?
Any help is appreciated
Thank you