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Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

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girish.talele Add & calculate Values in... 12-17-2012, 06:41 AM
mike7952 Re: Add & calculate Values in... 12-17-2012, 09:28 AM
girish.talele Re: Add & calculate Values in... 12-17-2012, 09:43 AM
mike7952 Re: Add & calculate Values in... 12-17-2012, 10:31 AM
girish.talele Re: Add & calculate Values in... 12-21-2012, 02:43 AM
event21 Re: Add & calculate Values in... 12-21-2012, 04:12 AM
girish.talele Re: Add & calculate Values in... 12-21-2012, 06:32 AM
  1. #1
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    Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

    Dear Experts,
    Please refer the attached excel file.
    With the help of existing VBA codes, we are trying to derive no. of combinations for given sizes & then some calculations are made.

    If there are many sizes or the smaller sizes are there then the no. of combinations reaches to some thousands / lakhs.

    To reduce the time is it possible (instead of populating the data in excel cells with given VBA codes) to make all the entries & calculation in Scripting.Dictionary then just paste the data as shown in attached file.

    Please suggest.
    Thanks in advance....

    Add in Directory.xlsm
    Last edited by girish.talele; 12-17-2012 at 08:28 AM. Reason: more clarification about the problem

  2. #2
    Forum Expert mike7952's Avatar
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    Re: Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

    No need for dictionary

    Sub abc()
     Const Col_I As String = "I"
     Const Col_J As String = "J"
     Const Col_K As String = "K"
     Const Col_L As String = "L"
     Const Col_M As String = "M"
     Const Col_N As String = "N"
     Const Col_O As String = "O"
     Const Col_P As String = "P"
     Const Col_Q As String = "Q"
     For i = 3 To 552
        Cells(i, Col_I) = Evaluate("=$A$2-$B$2*B" & i & "-$C$2*C" & i & "-$D$2*D" & i & "-$E$2*E" & i & "-$F$2*F" & i & "-$G$2*G" & i & "-$H$2*H" & i)
        Cells(i, Col_J) = Evaluate("=(B" & i & "*$B$2)*$J$1/$A$2")
        Cells(i, Col_K) = Evaluate("=(C" & i & "*$C$2)*$J$1/$A$2")
        Cells(i, Col_L) = Evaluate("=(D" & i & "*$D$2)*$J$1/$A$2")
        Cells(i, Col_M) = Evaluate("=(E" & i & "*$E$2)*$J$1/$A$2")
        Cells(i, Col_N) = Evaluate("=(F" & i & "*$F$2)*$J$1/$A$2")
        Cells(i, Col_O) = Evaluate("=(G" & i & "*$G$2)*$J$1/$A$2")
        Cells(i, Col_P) = Evaluate("=(H" & i & "*$H$2)*$J$1/$A$2")
        Cells(i, Col_Q) = Evaluate("=$J$1-SUM(J" & i & ":P" & i & ")")
    End Sub

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  3. #3
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    Re: Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

    Dear Mike,
    Thank you very much....
    The time of calculation reduces for second part.
    Can you suggest some better method for below codes as populating the combinations is taking too much time. You can refer the attached file( Add in Directory-1.xlsm )where the combinations will be very high to 177,870 no.s.
    Sub MinCombo()
    Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, j, k, x, y, z, tt As Long
    Dim arr()
    If (Range("B2") > 0) Then i1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("B2"), 0)
    If (Range("C2") > 0) Then i2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("C2"), 0)
    If (Range("D2") > 0) Then i3 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("D2"), 0)
    If (Range("E2") > 0) Then i4 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("E2"), 0)
    If (Range("F2") > 0) Then i5 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("F2"), 0)
    If (Range("G2") > 0) Then i6 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("G2"), 0)
    If (Range("H2") > 0) Then i7 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("H2"), 0)
    tt = (i1 + 1) * (i2 + 1) * (i3 + 1) * (i4 + 1) * (i5 + 1) * (i6 + 1) * (i7 + 1)
    response = MsgBox("No. of combinations are => " & tt, vbOK)
    If response = vbCancel Then
        MsgBox ("Macro Ending")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '##################### I WANT VBA CODES TO INPUT THE BELOW VALUES IN SCRIPTING.DIRECTORY #####################
    For x1 = 0 To i1
        For x2 = 0 To i2
            For x3 = 0 To i3
                For x4 = 0 To i4
                    For x5 = 0 To i5
                        For x6 = 0 To i6
                            For x7 = 0 To i7
                                ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
                                Selection = x1 & "," & x2 & "," & x3 & "," & x4 & "," & x5 & "," & x6 & "," & x7
        Range("B3:B" & (tt + 2)).TextToColumns Destination:=Range("B3"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
            TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
            Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
            :=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
    Call abc
    End Sub
    Thanks once again for looking into.
    Last edited by girish.talele; 12-17-2012 at 09:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert mike7952's Avatar
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    Re: Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

    You can try this. Still will take some time.

    Sub MinCombo()
    Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, j, k, x, y, z, tt As Long
    Dim arr()
    If (Range("B2") > 0) Then i1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("B2"), 0)
    If (Range("C2") > 0) Then i2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("C2"), 0)
    If (Range("D2") > 0) Then i3 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("D2"), 0)
    If (Range("E2") > 0) Then i4 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("E2"), 0)
    If (Range("F2") > 0) Then i5 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("F2"), 0)
    If (Range("G2") > 0) Then i6 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("G2"), 0)
    If (Range("H2") > 0) Then i7 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("H2"), 0)
    tt = (i1 + 1) * (i2 + 1) * (i3 + 1) * (i4 + 1) * (i5 + 1) * (i6 + 1) * (i7 + 1)
    response = MsgBox("No. of combinations are => " & tt, vbOK)
    If response = vbCancel Then
        MsgBox ("Macro Ending")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ReDim arr(1 To tt, 1 To 16)
    '##################### I WANT VBA CODES TO INPUT THE BELOW VALUES IN SCRIPTING.DIRECTORY #####################
    For x1 = 0 To i1
        For x2 = 0 To i2
            For x3 = 0 To i3
                For x4 = 0 To i4
                    For x5 = 0 To i5
                        For x6 = 0 To i6
                            For x7 = 0 To i7
                                i = i + 1
                                arr(i, 1) = x1
                                arr(i, 2) = x2
                                arr(i, 3) = x3
                                arr(i, 4) = x4
                                arr(i, 5) = x5
                                arr(i, 6) = x6
                                arr(i, 7) = x7
                                arr(i, 8) = Cells(2, "a") - Cells(2, "b") * x1 - Cells(2, "c") * x2 - Cells(2, "d") * x3 - Cells(2, "e") * x4 - Cells(2, "f") * x5 - Cells(2, "g") * x6 - Cells(2, "h") * x7
                                arr(i, 9) = x1 * Cells(2, "b") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a")
                                arr(i, 10) = x2 * Cells(2, "c") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a")
                                arr(i, 11) = x3 * Cells(2, "d") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a")
                                arr(i, 12) = x4 * Cells(2, "e") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a")
                                arr(i, 13) = x5 * Cells(2, "f") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a")
                                arr(i, 14) = x6 * Cells(2, "g") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a")
                                arr(i, 15) = x7 * Cells(2, "h") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a")
                                arr(i, 16) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(arr(i, 9), arr(i, 10), arr(i, 11), arr(i, 12), arr(i, 13), arr(i, 14), arr(i, 15))
    Range("b3").Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)) = arr
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

    Dear Mike,
    Sorry for delyed reply but you are simply great...

    With the help of your codes the results are coming in very less time.

    I have further reduced the entries in array by restricting via IF condition.
    Just one more help is required. When I run the program for below mentioned sizes the I am getting error - "Out of memory (Error 7)" might be due to the combinations are coming to some 1,331,000 no.s which array is not able to handle.

    I have tried to define array as Long or Double not get success.

    Main Size Size1 Size2 Size3 Size4 Size5 Size6 Size7
    1020 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

    Please suggest if there is any solution.

    Sub MinCombo()
    Dim i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, j, k, x, y, z, tt As Long
    Dim arr(), Fix_Value, Main_Size, A_Cal
    Main_Size = Range("A2").Value
    Fix_Value = Range("J1").Value
    A_Cal = Range("L1").Value
    If (Range("B2") > 0) Then i1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("B2"), 0)
    If (Range("C2") > 0) Then i2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("C2"), 0)
    If (Range("D2") > 0) Then i3 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("D2"), 0)
    If (Range("E2") > 0) Then i4 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("E2"), 0)
    If (Range("F2") > 0) Then i5 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("F2"), 0)
    If (Range("G2") > 0) Then i6 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("G2"), 0)
    If (Range("H2") > 0) Then i7 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("H2"), 0)
    tt = (i1 + 1) * (i2 + 1) * (i3 + 1) * (i4 + 1) * (i5 + 1) * (i6 + 1) * (i7 + 1)
    response = MsgBox("No. of combinations are => " & tt, vbOK)
    If response = vbCancel Then
        MsgBox ("Macro Ending")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ii = 0
    ReDim arr(1 To tt, 1 To 16)
    For x1 = 0 To i1
        For x2 = 0 To i2
            For x3 = 0 To i3
                For x4 = 0 To i4
                    For x5 = 0 To i5
                        For x6 = 0 To i6
                            For x7 = 0 To i7
                                ii = Main_Size - Cells(2, "b") * x1 - Cells(2, "c") * x2 - Cells(2, "d") * x3 - Cells(2, "e") * x4 - Cells(2, "f") * x5 - Cells(2, "g") * x6 - Cells(2, "h") * x7
                                If ii >= 0 And ii <= A_Cal Then
                                i = i + 1
                                arr(i, 1) = x1
                                arr(i, 2) = x2
                                arr(i, 3) = x3
                                arr(i, 4) = x4
                                arr(i, 5) = x5
                                arr(i, 6) = x6
                                arr(i, 7) = x7
                                arr(i, 8) = Main_Size - Cells(2, "b") * x1 - Cells(2, "c") * x2 - Cells(2, "d") * x3 - Cells(2, "e") * x4 - Cells(2, "f") * x5 - Cells(2, "g") * x6 - Cells(2, "h") * x7
                                arr(i, 9) = Round(x1 * Cells(2, "b") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a"), 2)
                                arr(i, 10) = Round(x2 * Cells(2, "c") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a"), 2)
                                arr(i, 11) = Round(x3 * Cells(2, "d") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a"), 2)
                                arr(i, 12) = Round(x4 * Cells(2, "e") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a"), 2)
                                arr(i, 13) = Round(x5 * Cells(2, "f") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a"), 2)
                                arr(i, 14) = Round(x6 * Cells(2, "g") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a"), 2)
                                arr(i, 15) = Round(x7 * Cells(2, "h") * Cells(1, "j") / Cells(2, "a"), 2)
                                arr(i, 16) = Round(Fix_Value - WorksheetFunction.Sum(arr(i, 9), arr(i, 10), arr(i, 11), arr(i, 12), arr(i, 13), arr(i, 14), arr(i, 15)), 2)
                                End If
    response = MsgBox("No. of rows filled will be => " & i, vbOK)
    If response = vbCancel Then
        MsgBox ("Macro Ending")
        Exit Sub
    End If
        Range("b3:r" & i) = arr
    'Range("b3").Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)) = arr
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

    Hi -

    The error is in the tt variable, I changed it to 65536 since it will not goes to that number I guess.
    transfer some to variables so it will always access once.
    It Took : 11.8906 seconds from my machine
    Sub MinCombo()
    Dim t As Single
    t = Timer
    Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long, i4 As Long, i5 As Long, i6 As Long, i7 As Long, j As Long
    Dim k As Long, x As Long, y As Long, z As Long, tt As Long
    Dim arr(), Fix_Value As Long, Main_Size As Long, A_Cal As Long
    Dim mu As Double, b As Double, c As Double, d As Double, e As Double, f As Double, g As Double, h As Double
    Dim bb As Double, cc As Double, dd As Double, ee As Double, ff As Double, gg As Double, hh As Double
    Main_Size = Range("A2").Value
    Fix_Value = Range("J1").Value
    A_Cal = Range("L1").Value
    If (Range("B2") > 0) Then i1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("B2"), 0)
    If (Range("C2") > 0) Then i2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("C2"), 0)
    If (Range("D2") > 0) Then i3 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("D2"), 0)
    If (Range("E2") > 0) Then i4 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("E2"), 0)
    If (Range("F2") > 0) Then i5 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("F2"), 0)
    If (Range("G2") > 0) Then i6 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("G2"), 0)
    If (Range("H2") > 0) Then i7 = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(Range("A2") / Range("H2"), 0)
    tt = (i1 + 1) * (i2 + 1) * (i3 + 1) * (i4 + 1) * (i5 + 1) * (i6 + 1) * (i7 + 1)
    response = MsgBox("No. of combinations are => " & tt, vbOK)
    If response = vbCancel Then
        MsgBox ("Macro Ending")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ii = 0
    mu = Cells(2, "a")
    b = Cells(2, "b") * Cells(1, "j")
    c = Cells(2, "c") * Cells(1, "j")
    d = Cells(2, "d") * Cells(1, "j")
    e = Cells(2, "e") * Cells(1, "j")
    f = Cells(2, "f") * Cells(1, "j")
    g = Cells(2, "g") * Cells(1, "j")
    h = Cells(2, "h") * Cells(1, "j")
    bb = Cells(2, "b")
    cc = Cells(2, "c")
    dd = Cells(2, "d")
    ee = Cells(2, "e")
    ff = Cells(2, "f")
    gg = Cells(2, "g")
    hh = Cells(2, "h")
    ReDim arr(1 To 65536, 1 To 16)
    For x1 = 0 To i1
        For x2 = 0 To i2
            For x3 = 0 To i3
                For x4 = 0 To i4
                    For x5 = 0 To i5
                        For x6 = 0 To i6
                            For x7 = 0 To i7
                                ii = Main_Size - (bb * x1) - (cc * x2) - (dd * x3) - (ee * x4) - (ff * x5) - (gg * x6) - (hh * x7)
                                If ii >= 0 And ii <= A_Cal Then
                                i = i + 1
                                arr(i, 1) = x1
                                arr(i, 2) = x2
                                arr(i, 3) = x3
                                arr(i, 4) = x4
                                arr(i, 5) = x5
                                arr(i, 6) = x6
                                arr(i, 7) = x7
                                arr(i, 8) = ii 'Main_Size - b * x1 - c * x2 - d * x3 - e * x4 - f * x5 - g * x6 - h * x7
                                arr(i, 9) = Round(x1 * b / mu, 2)
                                arr(i, 10) = Round(x2 * c / mu, 2)
                                arr(i, 11) = Round(x3 * d / mu, 2)
                                arr(i, 12) = Round(x4 * e / mu, 2)
                                arr(i, 13) = Round(x5 * f / mu, 2)
                                arr(i, 14) = Round(x6 * g / mu, 2)
                                arr(i, 15) = Round(x7 * h / mu, 2)
                                arr(i, 16) = Round(Fix_Value - WorksheetFunction.Sum(arr(i, 9), arr(i, 10), arr(i, 11), arr(i, 12), arr(i, 13), arr(i, 14), arr(i, 15)), 2)
                                End If
    response = MsgBox("No. of rows filled will be => " & i, vbOK)
    If response = vbCancel Then
        MsgBox ("Macro Ending")
        Exit Sub
    End If
        Range("b3:q" & i) = arr
    MsgBox Format(Timer - t, "#.0000") & " seconds"
    End Sub

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Re: Add & calculate Values in Scripting.Dictionary

    Dear Mike & Event,

    You guys are simply G R E A T....

    My issue is resolved. Got some thing more than waht I wanted....

    Thanks alot.

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