
I am trying to create 3 textboxes in a userform, where the value in the boxes are inter-dependent (dont know if thats even a word...)

I have made functions, so that when i enter a value in any of the 3 boxes, the code can calculate the value for the other 2...

Problem is, that i kinda end up in a bad loop...

I use the "afterupdate" event, to trigger the calculation of the 2 missing values... and assign that calculatet value to the 2 missing values... and that works fine.. but problem is that the assigning of the calculated values to the textboxes in it self triggers an "afterupdate"-event.. and a form of bad loop happens... cuz then the code try to calculate "back"

Is there a way to get the code to reckognize when im manually entering a value (and for that trigger an afterupdate event, recalculating the value for the other 2 textboxes) or when a new value is enteret by the code (based on a function) and therefor not trigger the afterupdate event...??

Kind regards