
I have been trying to come up with a solution for the below problem with no success so far.

What I would like to do is the following:

- Look in the all the subfolders of a main folder

- Essentially treat each subfolder individually - if a subfolder contains workbooks, create a new workbook in the subfolder, copy the first sheet of all the workbooks in the newly created workbook, and save the new workbook the same as name as the subfolder's name. Then, if posibble, delete the rest of the workbooks and keep only the newly created workbook.

I have asked for help in a previous thread here which relates somehow to the above problem:


User tigeravatar helped me with an amazing macro that did exactly what I wanted. I have been trying to modify his solution to perform the additional action mentioned above. I have managed to come up with a partial "solution" by combining ta's macro with a different macro I have found over at the mrexcel forum. This turned out to be a disaster as in the end it requires for most of the steps to be essentially performed manually.

If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.

Thank you