I've now got to the bottom of my issue. The solution was twofold. Firstly, when I first posted I thought that my code was storing my intended item as the key - I thought this because the 'watch' window showed the key in the value column. However, I've since learned that despite the misleading display, my items, i.e. the company names, were being stored correctly.

The second part of my problem was my incorrect use of the dictionary object functions and properties: I hadn't paid enough attention to how I was accessing items within the dictionary. I now use an array to store the items of the dictionaries, which pass these to other functions.

So, the final code to build the dictionaries is as follows:

    Dim SICompanies As Scripting.Dictionary, SIZips As Scripting.Dictionary, _
        WynCompanies As Scripting.Dictionary, WynZips As Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim SIItems() As Variant, WynItems() As Variant, WynZipItems() As Variant, SIZipItems() As Variant
    Dim contents As Variant
    Dim cell As Range

    contents = ws.Range("A2:D" & recCountALL).Value

    Set SICompanies = New Scripting.Dictionary
    Set SIZips = New Scripting.Dictionary
    Set WynCompanies = New Scripting.Dictionary
    Set WynZips = New Scripting.Dictionary
    'loop through array
    For i = 1 To UBound(contents, 1)
        'if 1st column (Wyn ID) of array is not empty add to dictionary using wyn ID as key
        If contents(i, 1) > 0 Then
            WynCompanies.Add contents(i, 1), contents(i, 3)
            WynZips.Add contents(i, 1), contents(i, 4)
        Else 'if wyn ID is empty, must be SI record
            SICompanies.Add contents(i, 2), contents(i, 3)
            SIZips.Add contents(i, 2), contents(i, 4)
        End If
    Next i
    WynItems = WynCompanies.Items
    SIItems = SICompanies.Items
    WynZipItems = WynZips.Items
    SIZipItems = SIZips.Items
    For i = 0 To UBound(SIItems)
        maxDupeScore = 0
        For j = 0 To UBound(WynItems)
             ' more code here

            For Each cell In ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns(3).Cells
                If cell.Value = SIItems(i) Then
                    cell.Offset(0, 2).Value = maxDupeScore
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next cell
        Next j
    Next i
Hope this helps someone else...
