I'm new to VBA so excuse my ignorance. I'm trying to have a ComboBox, or Listbox in a UserForm be populated with values from different ranges. Those values (or lookup choices) should be depended on the value selected in another ComboBox within the same UserForm.
For example, if I select "Marketing" in the ComboBox "Department", I want the next Combobox/ListBox, called "Type of Work/Activity", to be populated with only the Types of Work relating to Marketing. Thus the selection choices within the "Type of Work/Activity" ComboBox/ListBox will change if I select Sales, Administration, etc. from the "Department" ComboBox.
I assume a simple IFELSE statement will do the trick, but having difficulty figuring it out.
I've only worked with single cell references thus far, or coded values/naming conventions directly into the VBA UserForm, and also would like to learn how to populate the ComboBox of FileBox pulling data from a lookup range. So when you add data to that range (in another sheet within the workbook) it will automatically update the selection choices in the ComboBox.