Hi Everybody,
Here is my problem. I have an exported report from our Accounting Software and the way the report is structured is very useless. The report includes, Vendors, Part Numbers, QTY, Cost, and Customer Name. I need a macro that will Copy/Paste from Sheet1 (Report) to Sheet2 in certain way and keep going until the report ends, as sometimes I have hundreds of items/manufacturers involved in the projects.
Sheet 2 will need to look like this: Example.JPG
Manufacturer Job Part Qty Unit Cst Total Cst Preferred Vendor
Manufacturer#1 Customer Name #1 Part#1 1.00 9.50 9.5 Preferred Distributor#1
Manufacturer#2 Customer Name #2 Part#2 1.00 86.00 86 Preferred Distributor#2
So, Manufacturer names from Column C in Sheet1 to Column A to Manufacturer. Customer Names from Column G to Column B under “Job.” And so on.
Thanks much in advance.