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Copy & Paste pictures from Excel into Header (and Footer) of Word

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Market Harborough, UK
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    Excel 2010

    Copy & Paste pictures from Excel into Header (and Footer) of Word

    Hi there,

    Having earlier today (!) mastered a VBA for creating a new Word 2010 document and copying and pasting data from Excel 2010, adjusting margins and saving the doc as a filename determined by an Excel Cell, I now need to copy and paste data - a picture to be precise into a Header within Word - from Excel (and then the same thing for a Footer).

    My picture is derived from a named cell (Letter_Logo) at present that refers to an offset formula: =OFFSET(Logos!$B$1,'SL Int'!$A$5,0) - (where Logos! and 'SL Int'! are the names of two separate worksheets)

    Any ideas?

    My existing VBA for all the earlier stuff is:

    ' COPY_FINAL_SL Macro
    ' COPY FINAL SL Copy column A; Open and Paste into Word; Set margins to Narrow and save as Cell B7 then reset to B1.
    Dim number As Integer, i As Integer, WS As Worksheet, number_exported As Integer
    Dim wdApp As Object, wdDoc As Object, MyWd As Object
    Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add
    Set WS = ActiveSheet


    ' Margins Macro
    wdDoc.PageSetup.LineNumbering.Active = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientPortrait
    wdDoc.PageSetup.TopMargin = MillimetersToPoints(12.7)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.BottomMargin = MillimetersToPoints(12.7)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.LeftMargin = MillimetersToPoints(12.7)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.RightMargin = MillimetersToPoints(12.7)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.Gutter = MillimetersToPoints(0)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.HeaderDistance = MillimetersToPoints(12.5)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.FooterDistance = MillimetersToPoints(12.5)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.PageWidth = MillimetersToPoints(210)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.PageHeight = MillimetersToPoints(297)
    wdDoc.PageSetup.FirstPageTray = wdPrinterDefaultBin
    wdDoc.PageSetup.OtherPagesTray = wdPrinterDefaultBin
    wdDoc.PageSetup.SectionStart = wdSectionNewPage
    wdDoc.PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.VerticalAlignment = wdAlignVerticalTop
    wdDoc.PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.MirrorMargins = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.TwoPagesOnOne = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.BookFoldPrinting = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.BookFoldRevPrinting = False
    wdDoc.PageSetup.BookFoldPrintingSheets = 1
    wdDoc.PageSetup.GutterPos = wdGutterPosLeft

    wdApp.Visible = True

    wdApp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Range("B7").Value

    Set wdApp = Nothing


    End Sub

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Market Harborough, UK
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2010

    Re: Copy & Paste pictures from Excel into Header (and Footer) of Word

    Any thoughts? - or perhaps more simply how to just paste a picture from Excel into a Word header and I'll try and work out the rest myself??

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