Hi guys,
I have a spreadsheet that is automatically populated from my DB when a customer places an order.
Sheet 1
Column D is populated with the order date e.g. - 01/12/2012 03:05:01
In Column C, i have the status of the importance of the order e.g. 1,2,3,4
Sheet 2
Col A |
Col B |
Col C |
Col D |
Importance |
Time |
Start |
End |
1 |
01:00 |
09:00AM |
05:00PM |
2 |
04:00 |
3 |
20:00 |
4 |
40:00 |
5 |
9999:00 |
Sheet 1
In Column H, i am attempting to calculate the date of when i need to process the order by adding the value in Column C to Column D within the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
My code:
I thought this formula was correct, until i received an order yesterday
Col D - 01/12/2012 03:05:01
Col C - 3 (sheet 2 says 3 = 20:00 hours)
Col H - 03/12/2012 15:05
Please can anyone suggest where the error in my calculation is?
It appears my code is incorporating weekends 
Thank you.