Hi all, I have a complex financial model that spans multiple sheets. I was wondering if anyone knows of an add-on or some code that will replicate the model (calculation dependency tree) onto one worksheet. If not I will have to reconstruct the entire model onto one sheet manually so that I can have multiple instances for Monte Carlo analysis (huge time waster and could introduce significant errors).
Example (Current Workbook):
Sheet1 - C1 Formula = A1+B1
Sheet2 - B1 Formula = C12*B15
Sheet3 - A1 Formula = sum('Sheet1!'C1,'Sheet2!'B1)
New Sheet Example:
A1 = 'Sheet1!'A1 | B1 = 'Sheet1!'B1 | C1 = A1+B1 | D1 = 'Sheet2!'C12 | E1 = 'Sheet2!'B15 | F1 = D1*E1 | G1 = sum(C1,F1)
Thank you for any help/suggestions!