Hello again ExcelForum,

I am working on an excel based chemical inventory and am hoping I can eliminate some user input by making a "dynamic" change. Is it possible to first have excel search column D (my catalogue number column) during data entry in a userform textbox called CatNumber (or on click of a commandbutton called AutofillCatalogue) and then copy the found row's data from columns E through K to the userform textboxes, comboboxes, checkboxes and optionbuttons?

The following level of detail may be more than you need to help me get past the heavy lifting of this code:

Column E is updated by NameBox.Value
Column F is updated by CasBox.Value
Column G is updated by VendorCombo.Value
Column H is updated by GradeBox.Value
Column I is updated by SizeBox.Value
Column J is updated by the frame "ContainerType" optionbuttons CT1, CT2, CT3 and CT4 (is it possible to have Excel select the respective option button based on the found contents?)
Column K is updated by the frame "Hazard" checkboxes Haz1, Haz2 .... Haz6 (again, is it possible to select the respective checkboxes based on the found contents?)