Oh, I understand now, one adds a new candidate and uses the 'add/update' button to add him/her to the list. That makes sense. I would prefer there be no 'default' values, just simply an empty form for the user to input data. Since the form is a measure to insure all information has been researched and entered, if the user comes across content that defaulted, gets interrupted for any reason and returns to find that field already inputted, they may think they had already researched that piece and mistakenly move on.
I need some help understanding something. When I used the print button it printed the four forms for the four test candidates already there. The information from the UserForm is not in the correct place within the printed form. For instance, 'No Travel Necessary' is in the cell for something else. This is the case for most of the form. Also, none of the Job Information and Interview Information is on the form at all.
looking at the code, it appears this is the code telling the system where to place the Interview Information and Team Information:
Private Sub FillForm(wsForm As Worksheet, rngCand As Range)
wsForm.Range("N46") = IntvwWorksheet.ReqRcvd
wsForm.Range("K7") = IntvwWorksheet.ReqNo
wsForm.Range("K1") = IntvwWorksheet.Recruiter
wsForm.Range("K6") = IntvwWorksheet.HM
wsForm.Range("K10") = IntvwWorksheet.Job_Title
wsForm.Range("O8") = IntvwWorksheet.Relo_Avail
wsForm.Range("K9") = IntvwWorksheet.JobLocation
wsForm.Range("O7") = IntvwWorksheet.JC_SG
wsForm.Range("K8") = IntvwWorksheet.Business_Unit
wsForm.Range("O6") = IntvwWorksheet.HM_Called
' Intvw Info & Team Tab
wsForm.Range("N49") = IntvwWorksheet.TeamBuilt
wsForm.Range("L12") = IntvwWorksheet.Intvw_Type
wsForm.Range("L13") = IntvwWorksheet.Conf_Rm
wsForm.Range("M13") = IntvwWorksheet.Help_Rm
wsForm.Range("L14") = IntvwWorksheet.Intvw_Loc
wsForm.Range("O9") = IntvwWorksheet.Time_Zone
wsForm.Range("L15") = IntvwWorksheet.Deadline
wsForm.Range("J19") = IntvwWorksheet.IntA
wsForm.Range("J20") = IntvwWorksheet.IntB
wsForm.Range("J21") = IntvwWorksheet.IntC
wsForm.Range("J22") = IntvwWorksheet.AltIntA
wsForm.Range("J23") = IntvwWorksheet.AltIntB
wsForm.Range("J24") = IntvwWorksheet.AltIntC
wsForm.Range("J17") = IntvwWorksheet.Host1
wsForm.Range("J18") = IntvwWorksheet.Host2
wsForm.Range("B48") = IntvwWorksheet.ReqIntvw_Notes
I understand that as it's saying the field names within the UserForm named 'IntvwWorksheet' go into those fields on wsForm (I don't know what wsForm means, but I'm assuming it's the worksheet form?). But, why did none of the data go into those cells?
And, it appears this is the code telling the system where to place the candidate information:
wsForm.Range("C2") = rngCand.Value
' no data for ID was included
'wsForm.Range("F3") = Me.Cand1_ID
wsForm.Range("F4") = rngCand.Offset(, 6).Value
wsForm.Range("N25") = rngCand.Offset(, 6).Value
wsForm.Range("N27") = rngCand.Offset(, 7).Value
wsForm.Range("N26") = rngCand.Offset(, 8).Value
wsForm.Range("C3") = rngCand.Offset(, 3).Value
wsForm.Range("F2") = rngCand.Offset(, 4).Value
wsForm.Range("C4") = rngCand.Offset(, 5).Value
wsForm.Range("F5") = rngCand.Offset(, 10).Value
wsForm.Range("N29") = rngCand.Offset(, 17).Value ' Me.Cand1_Taleo
wsForm.Range("N28") = rngCand.Offset(, 18).Value
wsForm.Range("N31") = rngCand.Offset(, 11).Value 'Me.Cand1_EligFT
' don't know what JC is
'wsForm.Range("N30") = Me.Cand1_JC
wsForm.Range("N39") = rngCand.Offset(, 19).Value
wsForm.Range("J3") = rngCand.Offset(, 13).Value
wsForm.Range("N3") = rngCand.Offset(, 14).Value
wsForm.Range("J4") = rngCand.Offset(, 15).Value
wsForm.Range("N4") = rngCand.Offset(, 16).Value
wsForm.Range("B50") = rngCand.Offset(, 28).Value
wsForm.Range("J19") = rngCand.Offset(, 20).Value 'Me.Cand1_IntA
wsForm.Range("J20") = rngCand.Offset(, 21).Value 'Me.Cand1_IntB
wsForm.Range("J21") = rngCand.Offset(, 22).Value 'Me.Cand1_IntC
wsForm.Range("J22") = rngCand.Offset(, 23).Value 'Me.Cand1_Alt1
wsForm.Range("J23") = rngCand.Offset(, 24).Value 'Me.Cand1_Alt2
wsForm.Range("J24") = rngCand.Offset(, 25).Value 'Me.Cand1_Alt3
wsForm.Range("J17") = rngCand.Offset(, 26).Value 'Me.Cand1_Host1
wsForm.Range("J18") = rngCand.Offset(, 27).Value 'Me.Cand1_Host2
This is what looses me as I don't know how to identify what is what. I do know it is taking information from CandidateDate worksheet, I just don't know how it knows, for instance, J19 is Cand1_IntA. It must have something to do with the number '20' as it's the only difference between each line of code, but what is that number refering to?