I counted the With's and that worked. And, my If Then Statements are working. Yay!
The reason I added the code to add the job data when the candidate's are updated was because I didn't see another way to have that information added to JobIntvwData without having yet another button for the user to press. So, I figured when a user enters the job data and then a candidate it would update. Though, I admit that's not the best way. I probably should just create a seperate button on Tab 1 and 2 for that information to update. But, I won't want the UserForm to close. Anyway to code it so the Userform doesn't close upon clicking the button?
No, I will NOT be using this for more than one job at a time.
How is the other parts coming along? I know my concern was when the user adds a candidate with a similar name to a previously entered candidate, it automatically populates the rest of Tab 2 with that other candidate's data without reverting to a clear form when the user continues to add a name different from that similar name. So, if there is a Joseph Taylor already in the list and I type Joseph Smith, the moment I start typing Joseph, the data for Joseph Taylor comes up and it doesn't go away as I continue to type the last name of Smith.
Also, when a user is entering a new candidate to the list, they will want a completley cleared form always. I think there should be a button for 'clear' so the user can do this at any time they need to. Don't you?
Thank you for your help!! Almost finished![]()