im using the code below to find the text 'Filming' in a column i specify then delete that row, however, it is case sensitive, i.e. it will not delete the row if comes accross 'filming'.
i assumed that using the wildcards * that it would know what to do, but it doesnt.
any ideas how to fix this?
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, astColumn).End(xlUp).Row
For Ptr = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(Ptr, astColumn) Like "*Filming*" Then ' <- Filming is case sensitive
If RangeToDelete Is Nothing Then
Set RangeToDelete = Cells(Ptr, astColumn)
Set RangeToDelete = Union(RangeToDelete, Cells(Ptr, astColumn))
End If
End If
Next Ptr
If Not RangeToDelete Is Nothing Then
End If