Hi everyone,
its not an entirely new problem, however I couldnt find an already existing answer that hepls me.
Basically, as you can see I have a Mastersheet with a list of clients. The following worksheets are of 3 Investors these clients should be attributed to, though not all of the clients should be shown on all investor-worksheets. Hence the idea here is to have Investor 1-3 on the Mastersheet and indicate (maybe by put 1 and 0 in) whether or not a certain client should be shown on a specific investor-worksheet (in form of thes ame table-design as in mastersheet)...so consider the mastersheet to be the complete list, which to some part should be duplicated on the respective investor-worksheets.
Also, clients on the mastersheet are added and/or deleted, so the macro should work fine with that.
Many thanks for any help...