Hi all,

I have a spreadsheet which is designed to store all of my departments projects. I have a macro on a button which will find any job associated with a specific number entered by the user. I have done the same but to search for words associated, and this works fine, however the number one only finds those which have a letter incorporated, and not all those containing the number e.g. it will find a job code 12151a but not 12151.

The macro was made just using the 'record macro' function, and sets the auto filter to 'contains x' in the job number colum. My code is as below:

Sub Findjobno()
' Findjobno Macro

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$39").AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="=*" & Sheets("Search").Range("F16") & "*", Operator:=xlAnd

End Sub

Any thoughts??

Many thanks!