I have a source data file that is system generated every day so the last few "File_Name_68992372.xls". I have found some code on this forum to find the file and rename it to a predefined name, but I want the user to be able to specify where it gets saved so I need a save as dialog. I also want the file to be in .xlsm format.


Sub FindFile()

' Find PR work sheet and set standard name

Dim result As Boolean
Dim wB As Workbook
For Each wB In Workbooks
If InStr(1, wB.Name, "File_Name") > 0 Then


End If
Next wB

    sTemp = ActiveWorkbook.FullName                             ' remember its name for reopen
    sExtn = "File_Name"
    ActiveWorkbook.Save                                         ' save existing

    fullfilename = sExtn                                         ' set default new file name
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fullfilename, FileFormat:=52                         ' save dated
    ActiveWorkbook.Close                                    ' close dated
    Workbooks.Open sExtn                                    ' reopen existing

End Sub