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send email from excel to multiple recipients

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  1. #1
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    Post send email from excel to multiple recipients

    send email notification from excel to multiple recipients
    Dear Team,

    Here i am but still i am getting error messge
    please see the below code :

    Sub Notify()
    Dim WS As Worksheet, Rng As Range, c As Range, D As Range, F As Range, p As Range
    Dim OutApp As Object, OutMail As Object
    Dim Msg As String, Addr As String, i As Long
    Dim NotificationNecessary As Boolean
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    For Each c In Rng
    For Each D In Rng
    For Each F In Rng
    For Each p In Rng
    NotificationNecessary = False
    Msg = "Dear Sir/Madam" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
    Msg = Msg & "Kindly provide the following clarification/ input required that we came across while processing your claim. "
    Msg = Msg & "We would need your inputs to proceed further on processing of this claim" & "Vendor Claim Details:" & "Document No./ Ref No & C.Offset(, 2) & "
    Msg = Msg & "having Invoice No" & D.Offset(2, 4)
    Msg = Msg & "of Vendor Name " & F.Offset(2, 6)
    Msg = Msg & "Reason for Holding " & F.Offset(2, 16)
    For i = 4 To 13
    If WS.Cells(Z.Row, i) = "X" Then
    Msg = Msg & " -" & WS.Cells(1, i) & Chr(13)
    NotificationNecessary = True
    End If
    If NotificationNecessary Then
    Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "If the Hold document not resolved within 15 days from hold date the claim will be REJECTED." & Chr(13)
    Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "Thank you,"
    Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "Team"
    Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
    On Error Resume Next
    With OutMail
    .To = Q.Offset(, 1)
    .CC = ""
    .BCC = ""
    .Subject = " Your Bills on HOLD"
    .Body = Msg
    End With
    Set OutMail = Nothing
    End If
    End Sub
    I would like to have a message in the below format :

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Kindly provide the following clarification/ input required that we came acrosswhile processing your claim.
    We would need your inputs to proceed further on processing of this claim.

    Vendor Claim Details: Document No./ Ref No. XXXX [ having Invoice No -NO/LEGALCH/884 ] of Vendor code "XXX " of Vendor Name : "Vendor name

    Reason for Holding : Kindly attach the finance head approval for releasing thepayment.

    When you are sending any additional document, please attach a print out of thismail and then drop it in
    Wividus Box.

    We are awaiting your reply to proceed further.

    *************************************************************************** **********
    If the Hold document not resolved within 15 days from hold date the claim will be REJECTED

    *************************************************************************** **********
    For further clarification please feel free to conduct us.


    Moderator's Edit: Use code tags when posting code. To do so in future, select your code and click on the # icon at the top of your post window.
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    Last edited by arlu1201; 11-18-2012 at 07:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, hariexcel1987,

    Here i am but still i am getting error messge
    No doubt: 5 For Loops with only 2 Next, rng not being set, Variable Z being used, but neither dimmed nor filled, same goes for Q, the following variables aren´t filled: D, F, p.

    For a startup have a look at this:
    Option Explicit
    Sub Notify()
    Dim WS As Worksheet, rngArea As Range, rngCell As Range
    Dim OutApp As Object, OutMail As Object
    Dim Msg As String, i As Long
    Dim NotificationNecessary As Boolean
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set rngArea = WS.Range(WS.Cells(2, 1), WS.Cells(WS.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row, 1))
    For Each rngCell In rngArea
    '  For Each D In Rng
    '  For Each F In Rng
    '  For Each p In Rng
      NotificationNecessary = False
      Msg = "Dear Sir/Madam" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
      Msg = Msg & "Kindly provide the following clarification/ input required that we came across while processing your claim. "
      Msg = Msg & "We would need your inputs to proceed further on processing of this claim" & _
          "Vendor Claim Details:" & "Document No./ Ref No" & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "A") & " " '<--- this is just a guess from my side
      Msg = Msg & "having Invoice No" & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "D").Value
    '!!! need to change code from here on accroding to sample above
    '!!! the offset will only deliver empty cells from your example. If data is lined in rows
    '!!! there´s no use of going down 2 rows, especially when there is only one line of data
      Msg = Msg & "of Vendor Name " & F.Offset(2, 6)
      Msg = Msg & "Reason for Holding " & F.Offset(2, 16)
    'Only 1 line of data with no "X" in them, so what stands this code for`?
      For i = 4 To 13
        If WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, i) = "X" Then
          Msg = Msg & " -" & WS.Cells(1, i) & Chr(13)
          NotificationNecessary = True
        End If
      If NotificationNecessary Then
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "If the Hold document not resolved within 15 days from hold date the claim will be REJECTED." & Chr(13)
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "Thank you,"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "Team"
        Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
        On Error Resume Next
        With OutMail
          .To = WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "L").Value
          .CC = ""
          .BCC = ""
          .Subject = " Your Bills on HOLD"
          .Body = Msg
        End With
        Set OutMail = Nothing
      End If
    Next rngCell
    End Sub
    The code for Ending Outlook is missing, I would probably use GetObject first with a boolean Variable for not ending it and on an error for doing so use CreateObject since to my knowledge Outlook can only be run in one instance on a computer.

    Last edited by HaHoBe; 11-18-2012 at 10:03 AM. Reason: hopefully get the oinformation clearer
    Use Code-Tags for showing your code: [code] Your Code here [/code]
    Please mark your question Solved if there has been offered a solution that works fine for you

  3. #3
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Dear Holger,

    Thanks for replying me, but still i am unable to run this program as getting below error message, could you please look in that and kindly help me out

    "Compile error: Variable not defined "

  4. #4
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, Hari ,

    the variable F isn´t filled with any information for a range and thus may be the cause of the run-time error:
    '!!! need to change code from here on according to sample above
    '!!! the offset will only deliver empty cells from your example. If data is lined in rows
    '!!! there´s no use of going down 2 rows, especially when there is only one line of data
      Msg = Msg & "of Vendor Name " & F.Offset(2, 6)
      Msg = Msg & "Reason for Holding " & F.Offset(2, 16)
    Change the code to read (and check if Column P is the place to put in the second line)
      Msg = Msg & "of Vendor Name " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "F").Value
      Msg = Msg & "Reason for Holding " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "P").Value
    On Debugging no error were thrown up which doesn´t mean that the code will run (sorry don´t have Outlook installed on this Computer, only Office 2010HSE).


  5. #5
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi Holger,

    But still it's not working, can you please try from your end and let me know on the same please
    attached is the excel for your reference

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  6. #6
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, Hari,

    due to the If checking if notification was necessary an email could only get send if that value was true. Please try this altered code which put the mail into my Outgoing mails:
    Sub Notify()
    Dim WS As Worksheet, rngArea As Range, rngCell As Range
    Dim OutApp As Object, OutMail As Object
    Dim Msg As String, i As Long
    Dim NotificationNecessary As Boolean
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set rngArea = WS.Range(WS.Cells(2, 1), WS.Cells(WS.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row, 1))
    For Each rngCell In rngArea
    '  For Each D In Rng
    '  For Each F In Rng
    '  For Each p In Rng
      NotificationNecessary = False
      Msg = "Dear Sir/Madam" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
      Msg = Msg & "Kindly provide the following clarification/ input required that we came across while processing your claim. "
      Msg = Msg & "We would need your inputs to proceed further on processing of this claim" & _
          "Vendor Claim Details:" & "Document No./ Ref No" & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "A") & " " '<--- this is just a guess from my side
      Msg = Msg & "having Invoice No" & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "D").Value
    '!!! need to change code from here on accroding to sample above
    '!!! the offset will only deliver empty cells from your example. If data is lined in rows
    '!!! there´s no use of going down 2 rows, especially when there is only one line of data
      Msg = Msg & "of Vendor Name " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "F").Value
      Msg = Msg & "Reason for Holding " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "P").Value
    'Only 1 line of data with no "X" in them, so what stands this code for`?
      For i = 4 To 13
        If WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, i) = "X" Then
          Msg = Msg & " -" & WS.Cells(1, i) & Chr(13)
          NotificationNecessary = True
        End If
      Next i
      If NotificationNecessary Then
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "If the Hold document not resolved within 15 days from hold date the claim will be REJECTED." & Chr(13)
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "Thank you,"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "Team"
      End If
        Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
        On Error Resume Next
        With OutMail
          .To = WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "L").Value
          .CC = ""
          .BCC = ""
          .Subject = " Your Bills on HOLD"
          .Body = Msg
        End With
        Set OutMail = Nothing
    Next rngCell
    End Sub
    And I think you should work a little bit on extra spaces in the text.


  7. #7
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Dear Holger ,

    Wow, i am able to send an e-mail to respective Recipients whom i am marked on column "L",

    Here my requirement is that this Hold tracker will be update with only Hold documents, so we no need to give any condition to satisfy and end of the day I should be able to send an E-mail notification to all the recipients stating the reason why their respective bills on Hold and request them to respond within 10 days of Time or else it will get reject from the system , the mail should be something like "

    " Dear Sir/Madam,
    Kindly provide the following clarification/ input required that we came across while processing your claim.
    We would need your inputs to proceed further on processing of this claim.

    Vendor Claim Details: Document No./ Ref No. XXXX [ having Invoice No -NO/LEGALCH/884 ] of Vendor code "XXX " of Vendor Name : "Vendor name

    Reason for Holding : Kindly attach the finance head approval for releasing the payment.

    When you are sending any additional document, please attach a print out of this mail and then drop it in
    Wivi Box.

    We are awaiting your reply to proceed further.

    *************************************************************************** **********
    If the Hold document not resolved within 15 days from hold date the claim will be REJECTED

    *************************************************************************** **********
    For further clarification please feel free to conduct us.

    Team "

    and also help me to provide the code for give more space between the sentences

    Can you please look into this and help me out ...

    You are helping me a lot , Thanks for your efforts and you have been really superb.

    I will be waiting for your positive response


  8. #8
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, Hari,

    please have a look at the following code. Both Chr(13) and vbCrLf may be used to force a new line in the string. According to the pattern laid out here you should be able to start making changes to the output on your own if you keep an original of the code as a safety and use either ' or REM to convert the codelines to comment which wouldn´t be executed:

    Sub Notify()
    Dim WS As Worksheet, rngArea As Range, rngCell As Range
    Dim OutApp As Object, OutMail As Object
    Dim Msg As String
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set rngArea = WS.Range(WS.Cells(2, 1), WS.Cells(WS.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row, 1))
    For Each rngCell In rngArea
      If rngCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Hold" Then
        Msg = "Dear Sir/Madam" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
        Msg = Msg & "Kindly provide the following clarification/ input required that we came across while processing your claim." & vbCrLf
        Msg = Msg & "We would need your inputs to proceed further on processing of this claim." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
            "Vendor Claim Details: Document No./ Ref No. " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "A")  '<--- this is just a guess from my side
        Msg = Msg & " [ having Invoice No. " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "D").Value & " ] "
        Msg = Msg & "of Vendor code " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "E").Value & "  of Vendor Name: " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "F").Value & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        Msg = Msg & "Reason for Holding " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "P").Value & ", Kindly attach the finance head approval for releasing the payment."
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "*************************************************************************** **********"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "If the Hold document not resolved within 15 days from hold date the claim will be REJECTED."
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "*************************************************************************** **********"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "For further clarification please feel free to conduct us"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Regards, " & vbCrLf & "Team"
        Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
        On Error Resume Next
        With OutMail
          .To = WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "L").Value
          .CC = ""
          .BCC = ""
          .Subject = " Your Bills on HOLD"
          .Body = Msg
        End With
        Set OutMail = Nothing
      End If
    Next rngCell
    End Sub

  9. #9
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    ROn de Bruin has an article about that
    Люди, питающие благие намерения, как раз и становятся чудовищами.

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    Vusal M Dadashev

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  10. #10
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Dear Holger ,

    You have been really superb , It's Working fine , Thanks alot and Thank you very much


  11. #11
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Dear Holger. We have one more requirement that , we have to send e-mail in 3 category’s

    If the documents on hold 0-15 days
    If the documents on hold 16-30 days
    If the documents on hold more than 31 days
    And also we have to include manger’s mail id in the CC, attached is the designed format , can you please provide me the program code for the same

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  12. #12
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, hariexcel1987,

    is there any reason why there isn´t much of code in the sample (in fact just two brackets not filled with an code in Sheet "DISC"?

    Use an Autofiölter on Column P in "Hold-Data", run the range of visible cells and have a Case Select for the text to be shown in the mail depending on the value from Column P - that´s the basic idea right now so that you will have to adapt the time range for the three macros but not the basic code to deliver the mails. If you prefer you could as well compose three nearly identical macros for each period, or use textfiles to hold the individual passages for the mail. You could as well step through all cells on Data-Hiold and compare P to the values for that period.


  13. #13
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi Holger,

    I would like to compose three nearly identical macros for each period, For ex : If column P is having value between 0-15 than is should be able to send an 1 st reminder mail , so if the P column value between 16-30 than i should be able to send an 2nd reminder mail ...etc...so I would like to request you to provide me code for to add if condition …..

    Briefly I wanted the code for send an e-mail if the respective condition satisfies


  14. #14
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, Hari,

    as you changed the look of the sheet I kindly ask you to provide me with the updated code you use to send mail from that sheet. And please confirm that this is the final look of the sheet as there needs a column to be added (date of mail sent or day pending when mail was sent) as well as a formula being used for Column P days pending.

    so I would like to request you to provide me code for to add if condition
    The way I would go for a solution was laid out and there were several scenarios. As you want to adjust 2 macros on your own the If-Statements I feel that are needed are a check for the pending (I´d apply an Autofilter to Column P) and for the date the last mail was sent.


  15. #15
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, Hari,

    right now I´m facing the fact that the macro that worked on the old file doesn´t create a mail on my system after I adapted it for the changes. Could you please check on your system if it´s working?

    Sub Notify_121204()
    Dim WS As Worksheet, rngArea As Range, rngCell As Range
    Dim OutApp As Object, OutMail As Object
    Dim Msg As String
    Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Hold-Data")
    With WS
      If .AutoFilterMode Then
        .Range("A1:R1").AutoFilter Field:=17, Criteria1:="0-15days"
        .Range("A1:R1").AutoFilter Field:=17, Criteria1:="0-15days"
      End If
    End With
    On Error Resume Next
    Set rngArea = WS.Range(WS.Cells(2, 17), WS.Cells(WS.Cells(Rows.Count, 17).End(xlUp).Row, 17)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    If rngArea Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    For Each rngCell In rngArea
      If Len(WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "T").Value) = 0 Then
        Msg = "Dear Sir/Madam" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
        Msg = Msg & "Kindly provide the following clarification/ input required that we came across while processing your claim." & vbCrLf
        Msg = Msg & "We would need your inputs to proceed further on processing of this claim." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
            "Vendor Claim Details: Document No./ Ref No. " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "A")  '<--- this is just a guess from my side
        Msg = Msg & " [ having Invoice No. " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "C").Value & " ] "
        Msg = Msg & "of Vendor code " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "D").Value & "  of Vendor Name: " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "E").Value & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        Msg = Msg & "Reason for Holding " & WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "N").Value & vbCrLf & "Kindly attach the finance head approval for releasing the payment."
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "*************************************************************************** **********"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "If the Hold document is not resolved within 15 days from hold date the claim will be REJECTED."
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & "*************************************************************************** **********"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "For further clarification please feel free to conduct us"
        Msg = Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Regards, " & vbCrLf & "Team"
        Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
        On Error Resume Next
        With OutMail
          .To = WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "J").Value
          .CC = WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "R").Value
          .BCC = ""
          .Subject = "Your Bills on HOLD"
          .Body = Msg
        End With
        Set OutMail = Nothing
        WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "T").Value = WS.Cells(rngCell.Row, "P").Value
      End If
    Next rngCell
    End Sub

  16. #16
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi Holger,

    i think E-mail has to pick from the Hold-data sheet i guess ? can you please check on this please


  17. #17
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, Hari,

    Quote Originally Posted by hariexcel1987
    It’s filtering the data but I am unable to send an E-mail to the recipient , actually it’s hanging could you please look into this
    Quote Originally Posted by HaHoBe
    right now I´m facing the fact that the macro that worked on the old file doesn´t create a mail on my system after I adapted it for the changes.
    No, I can´t as I am on vacation right now and only know that an update on Windows has taken place but don´t know what´s been changed there (and currently am on a very slow net next to beating bytes into the net).

    Maybe I will be able to check this on the start of next week when I´m back at work as I need a system with Outlook (and the laptop I´m working on doesn´t do the job nor does it feed me with adequate information from the net in a reasonable time).


  18. #18
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Whether "email to multiple recipients" cannot be solved, if mailmerge option in MSWord is used?

  19. #19
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Dear Holger,

    It’s filtering the data but I am unable to send an E-mail to the recipient , actually it’s hanging could you please look into this

  20. #20
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Dear Holger,
    Yes, I have tried that , display option is working fine but when I made it to .send all the excel files are hanging and it’s not letting me to close also , so please look into this,\

    I think we can delete filter option because I don’t want it to filter the data , simple I have to send the data if the condition satisfies

    Thank you so much for your time and have a nice and safer journey .
    Looking for an positive an earliest response

  21. #21
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients

    Hi, Hari,

    display option is working fine but when I made it to .send all the excel files are hanging and it’s not letting me to close also , so please look into this,
    I explained the reason for that in my last post, you don´t indicate that anything has been changed in your file (or at least you didn´t mention that).

    I think we can delete filter option because I don’t want it to filter the data , simple I have to send the data if the condition satisfies
    Are you taking about 10 sample data or 100.000? What´s wrong with the Autofilter which could be switched back with just one command at the end of the macro but will certainly save a lot of time in conjunction with SpecialCells as maybe only a part of all the data needs to be looked at.

    And maybe you are kind enough to inform me about what we need to program concerning the sending of the mails. Do you want to send a mail each time the criteria satisfies?


  22. #22
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    Re: send email from excel to multiple recipients


    sorry for the late response, the program is working fine and Thank you so much for your response

    You have been really superb

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