Hello, I am wondering how to force a checkbox to uncheck. Basically a simple way to put it is that I have 10 rows and 5 columns with a check box in each cell on Sheet1, these link up to corresponding cells in Sheet2 where the TRUE/FALSE shows. My goal is to allow any or all checkboxes in a column to be checked or unchecked so A1:A10 can all be checked or unchecked, but a row can only have one checkbox checked at any given time. So the total amount allowed to be checked on the sheet at any given time would be 10, one check allowed (max) for each row. Option buttons will not allow me to select multiple rows they only allow me to choose one box out of the 50 possible if I am correct. So if I check A5, B5/C5/D5/E5 will all be unchecked, and if I choose then B5, A5/C5/D5/E5 will all be unchecked. Thank you.