I have 2 datasheets, the first contains a list of data (approx 1000 rows) this data identifies different visits for each person (and ID number in one column identifies the person and a visit code in another column which identifies the visit for that person) and the 2nd contains data relating to the people in the 1st datasheet that I would like to merge with the 1st datasheet. The problem is datasheet 2 contains approx 5000 rows as it has many other people and their visits logged. I would like to find a way within excel that would allow me to search the id column and visit code column in datasheet 2 to search for matches to the same to columns in data sheet 1. If a match is found I would like the row of data pertaining to the matched id and visit code pasted into another spreadsheet (datasheet3). In the case were a search item in datasheet 1 cannot be found in datasheet 2 I would like an empty row to be put into the datasheet 3. Any help would be appreciated.