Running the macro should interpret data from the larger excel file/workbook and then transfer that interpretation to the smaller Excel file/workbook. The smaller file should eventually become larger than the currently larger file but I'll call "This workbook" or "the smaller file" since I'm referring to their state before the macro's first fully successful run.
What I mean by "interpretation", if it's not clear, is that although in some cases, data can be simply copied and pasted, in other cases, the destination data might be different (but based off of) the source data. For example, "this workbook" should look at the larger file and find out the hours someone is working (where the name of the person or another name but let's always consider it to be the name of the person) and put a W at every intersection of the time worked and the name of the person working. If the person doesn't work at a certain time/date, nothing will be put. Any letter other than W is to be put manually (without the use of the macro).
"This workbook" should be empty before the macro is run as of row 2 and below as well as have no names to the right of S&P, Loto Quebec, and Project.
For now, there is nothing to do in "this workbook" for "Resources required".
Date and Day should be copy/pasted. For every one row in the larger file, there needs to be 36 columns in the smaller file (from 6:00 AM to midnight).
The times are to be interpreted as the union (in math terminology) of "Reg Start" (column L in larger file) and "Reg End" (column M in larger file) as well as "Inst Start" (Column T in larger file) and "Inst End" (Column U in larger file).
Plan, Work, Flag, Sick, Vac, Training each don't need to be dealth with using the macro (since they use excel formulas or whatever the terminology is - the point is they change dynamically too and without a macro's help).
Everything on the right of "Project" is to be added there manually (without the help of the macro).
If skill is "LQ" in the larger file, the name of the person should go to the right of "Loto Quebec" in "this workbook". If it's anything else including S&P in the larger file, it should go in S&P in "this workbook".
Also, I would like for the process every time the macro is run to continue from the column after the last one processed in the larger file rather than going through the thousands of columns again (unnecessarily) and freezing the window (as well as taking long).