Can someone please help me with my multi-page UserForm?
I have created a simple form to demonstrate and work-out what I am trying to do. After I get this figured out, I have a more complex form I must make and I only have a couple of weeks to do it. Your help would be tremendously appreciated.
This content and labels on this form mean nothing. They were just a means to experiment and figure this out.
So, attached is a UserForm (using Microsoft 2010).
This multi-page UserForm has information on page 1, page 2, and page 3.
1. The answer to Name on Page 1 needs to show at the top of Page 2 and Page 3
2. The ‘Next’ button doesn’t work. I haven’t even tried the ‘Previous’ button.
3. On Page 3, if the user clicks the box for ‘male’ or selects ‘male’ from the Male or Female drop-down list (I am trying both options to see which I prefer), then I don’t want the user to be able to enter Height or Weight and I want the cells where that data would enter into the excel worksheet to have a black fill.
4. I want a page 4 with all of the exact information and content that was on page 3, except the selection of their Favorite Color and their Size. (I saw somewhere online a designer had a way for the user to duplicate a page).
5. When the user duplicates page 3 to a page 4, to a page 5, or even to a page 6, is there a way for the excel spreadsheet to also add a worksheet duplicating the same content? Or, must the additional worksheets already exist?
Thank you ahead of time for your help!