I have a work sheet were you enter alot of data, eg power consumption, purchase cost, maintenance cost, etc for different product mixes.
These costs are then added into a table on another worksheet called "Presentation".
On this worksheet I would like to have the possibility to show that if I purchase a specific product mix (Range1 contains the values affected) and for example the electricity price goes up 10%, this should be shown in the table and how it affects the total price in the end.
The same thing for the other costs (Range2, Range3, etc)
I first thought about having like a button that changes the cells on the data worksheet to 0.9 times the original value but if I used a macro, there would be no way to go back to the original price right?
Then I thought about using the button to change the cell value in the Presentation worksheet (=Range1) to =Range1*0.9 and then having a button that just says original and changes it back to =Range1.
The problem now is however that I don't know how to write that code![]()
I also would like the button that is "activated" to be marked so that I know how many precent lower the electricity price is and how much higher the maintenance price is.
You guys are the best! I really fell I need to learn much more Excel...