Need some help please:
I am running code from my personal.xlsb - it completes some formating (first file it is ran in will be different every day), macro then opens a second file (this is static file same file will open every day).
Macro stores data from 2nd file into 3 arrays and then i want to switch back to file 1 to search for data from file 2.
I cannot activate file 1 again as code is not in file - cannot use activeworkbook or this workbook.

At moment i am using code below - but obviously only works when running code from file called :"Delivery Nov 1st 2012.xls"
Windows("Delivery Nov 1st 2012.xls").Activate

Would like code to switch back to fiel 1 using variable so no matter which feil macro ran in it will work

Thanks Alan_m20