I have spent the better part of a day trying to figure this out but cannot find a good example somewhere.

In workbook "cargo.xls" I have a tab called "dashboard". "dashboard" has a list of "vessel-names" and "revenue" by vessel (there are 12 vessels but that can change). The revenue comes from a tab called "cargo". Here is a quick summary:

Worksheet: cargo.xls
Tab: Dashboard

total freight
shipname1 USD 100,000
shipname2 USD 140,0000
shipname3 USD 200,000

Tab: Cargo

vessel name port of loading port of discharge revenue status
shipname 1 yokohama houston 33,333 1
shipname 1 kobe houston 33,333 3
shipname 1 Hirohsima houston 33,333 3
shipname 2 Hamburg singapore 70,000 1
shipname 2 Antwerp singapore 70,000 2
shipname 3 yokohama houston 50,000 5
shipname 3 yokohama houston 50,000 5
shipname 3 yokohama houston 50,000 5
shipname 3 yokohama houston 50,000 5

On Dashboard, I would like to be able to click on the vesselname, like shipname1, and then it will automatically (1) take me to CARGO tab and (2) only show SHIPNAME1 and (3) sort by status asceding.

Any help would be much appreciated.
