I have 2 tabs with data in it called hmwk1 and hmwk2. In column A of each tab there is an identifier string, eg 101. I need some code that will look for duplicate strings in column A in both of these tabs. If there are duplicate strings in hmwk1 and hmwk2 delete the corresponding rows in hmwk1 and retain only the first entry in hmwk2. The aim is to have only ONE row with the identifier string in these tabs at the end of the macro. Below is an example using 101 as the identifier string in column A.
Hmwk1 Tab
Column A
Hmwk2 Tab
Should result in both 101 rows in hmwk1 and the second row in hmwk2 being deleted.
Hope this is clear.
I'd like to be able to do the same process across three other tabs too called 1's, 2's and 3's. If there are multiple instances of the same identifier keep only 1 row in the highest tab, eg if 101 in column A appears twice in 1's, once in 2's and once in 3's delete all but the one in 3's.