Good Morning,

I have an excel sheet and in Cell I (line 2 to 353) I have a picture name (WFI_1_2_1_01.JPG) and for each line this picture name is different.

I thought that I (with the help of an IT expert that is not helping me anymore) had written the code so that when I run the created macro it will automatically insert the picture (from the given path "\\gvamdp01\images") - but now its bugging and I am at a loss - have bought a book about VBA programming, searched the internet but i cannot work out the problem.

This is the code:

Sub Picture()
' Macro7 Macro

For I = 2 To 999
Cells(I, 9).Select
If Cells(I, 11) = "X" Then GoTo 10
If Cells(I, 1) = "" Then GoTo 10

Cells(I, 10).Select
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("\\gvamdp01\images" & (Cells(I, 9).Value)).Select
Cells(I, 11) = "X"
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 72

10 Next

End Sub

It worked fine for me until the person I have to send this file to does not have access to the path \\gvamdp01.... so we tried making some amendments like using a file on my desktop and that would not work - so we went back to the original macro code written (and in the mean time i have requested access to this path via our companies IT Helpdesk) but now the code bugs.

It has "run time error 1004 - unable to get the insert property of the picture class" and in yellow this is highlighted:
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("\\gvamdp01\images" & (Cells(I, 9).Value)).Select

Any help would be highly appreciated!
