i need to create a macro function to run a repeat cell data that pulling from a sheet in the same excel file.
attached sample
basically what i need to do is:
write a macro:
insert a new sheet and name it as "upload"
on the "upload" sheet:
A1 to be "ASN Header"
A2 to be "ASN Shipment"
A3 to be "ASN order"
B1 - default and always to be as " 056481716"
B2, C1 & C2 - I will manually input the data
D1 - default and always to be as "Zoe"
B3 = ASN!A2
here comes the tricky part from below:
on Column B (on every even cell) from:
A4= shown as "ASN Item"
B4 = ASN!G2 = as: 1038, but it needed to add one 0 in the front so it appears as 01038 in this sample file
same on Column B (but, on every odd cell) from:
A5 = shown as "ASN CASE CONTAINER"
B5 = ASN!I2 = as: 12 in this sample file
on Column C (on every odd cell) from:
C5 = ASN!J2 = as: 104004437 in this sample file
under this formula method, repeat down until it reach Total
so, the theory is kind of like repeat alternately in even row/ odd row:
on column A, every even row (starting from A4) = A4 shown as: "ASN Item", repeat A6 "ASN Item", repeat A8 "ASN Item".... continue and stop until it reaches Total shown on Column A
on column A, every odd row (starting from A5) = A5 shown as: "ASN CASE Container", repeat A7 "ASN CASE Container", repeat A9 "ASN Item".... continue and stop until it reaches Total shown on Column A
in this sample file, Total is on cell: A1379
moving to Column B
on column B, every even row (starting from B4) B4= ASN!G2, repeat B6 = ASN!G3, repeat B8 = ASN!G4 ... continue until and stop until it reaches Total on Col.A
on column B, every odd row (starting from B5) B5= ASN!I2, repeat B7 = ASN!I3, repeat B9 = ASN!I4 ... continue until and stop until it reaches Total on Col.A
on column C, every odd row (starting from C5) C5= ASN!J2, repeat C7 = ASN!J3, repeat C9 = ASN!J4... continue and stoop until it reaches Total on Co.lA
stop until it reach Total (in this sample is A1379)
I hope it makes sense, let me know if anything is confused.
any help is appreciated !