i wasnt able to paste the class module, when someone answers i can post it here.

Hello all,

i was helped by you guys before and now i do need your help again.

I need to send some charts on the body of a e-mail (the big problem is that i cannot use OUTLOOK, it's broken on my pc).

searching, i discovered a way to do that, by exporting the chart (this part is ok, i've done) and using a img tag on the e-mail body... The problem is i can't figure out how to do that when using the non-OUTLOOK sending code.

here follows what i have


Sub EnviarEmail()

Dim objEmail As clsEmail
Dim sh As Worksheet

On Error GoTo Erro_Sub

Set objEmail = New clsEmail 'Inicializa a classe clsEmail
Set sh = Sheets("Envio") 'Define a planilha

With objEmail
.setConfEmailServidor = "smtps.proderj.rj.gov.br" 'Servidor de saída de emails. Ex: smtp.uol.com.br
.setConfEmailPorta = "465"
.setConfEmailFrom = "mtinoco@planejamento.rj.gov.br" 'Seu email: O remetente do email. Ex: seunome@uol.com.br
.setConfEmailSenha = "thisisntmypass" 'Sua senha: A senha que você usa para acessar seus emails
.setConfEmailFromNome = "Mario" 'Seu nome: O nome que será exibido no campo De:
.Configurar 'Executa a configuração
.setEmailTo = sh.Range("C8") 'Email do Destinatário
.setEmailToNome = sh.Range("C6") 'Nome do Destinatário
.setEmailTitulo = "Testando Envio" 'Título da mensagem
'Aqui, você deve digitar o conteúdo. Pode utilizar formatação HTML.
.setEmailConteudo = "Olá, <strong>" & .getEmailToNome & "</strong>.<br><br>Estou aprendendo muito aqui no site <a href=""c:\Envio\Chart1.png"">Excel do Seu Jeito</a>." & "<br><br>Acesse <a href=""http://www.exceldoseujeito.com.br"">http://www.exceldoseujeito.com.br</a> e fique expert no Excel."
End With

Set objEmail = Nothing
Set sh = Nothing

MsgBox "Email enviado com sucesso!", vbInformation

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End Sub

till here it's working, sorry for the portugues sentences. Now i need to use this code (or similar): .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & "<img src='c:\Envio\chart1.png'>"
that will copy the saved chart into the body of the e-mail. That's what i can't get to do. I really appreciatte the help.

Thanks in advance,