I have spent the last 6 hours pouring over relevant threads and trying to adapt them with no success.
I am trying to pull imbd data for my movie spreadsheet, (personal).
I have figured out how to web query and pull a single movie page down, it creates a 10 column, 270ish row setup. I was only after data in column A and B. I had setup a macro to copy and paste what I needed, but on testing the rows seem to bounce around from movie to movie.
My example, (I think I can figure out how to adapt it for other searches), In Column B, there is a Cell with Value Director:, I am searching for that, and then trying to pull the cell under it, (the name), to the first sheet. I will be adapting for column A to look for run time, genre, etc... all copied to their respective cells on sheet 1. I have also tried the ozgrid lookup function with no success. Attached is a copy of the book I am working on with sample data on sheet 2.
Thank you so much for your help!