Can anyone help with creating a VBA code that sums up in a the data referenced from an index list, and if the summation matches the value of another/different cell then the cell turns green otherwise red.

For example, Sheet2 cell B1= "=Sheet1!A1" and Sheet2 cell B2="=Sheet1!A5". The sum value is in cell A10 but it typed in as a number, not as a reference.
The reason why I want to reference Sheet1 cells is because I may add or subtract lines from Sheet1 but don't want my calculations to change.

In VBA I want to check whether the value of Sheet2 (B1 + B2) which reference Sheet1 cells A1 and A2 equal the value in A10.
If this is true, cell A10 turns green, else red.

Could this code span for example cells A1...E1, A5...E5, and A10...E10?

Thank you,