I am brand new to anything programing. I was unaware that excel has a programming option built in. I have been trying to learn as much as I can the past few days, but have learned that my issue is far beyond my capabilities. I am trying to create a perpetual inventory spreadsheet based on individual invoices and individual orders. I have broken out the details in as much detail as I could think of, but like I said I am new to programming so I do not know if there is enough adequate information for you to help me out. I will do my best to answer any questions that I can.
Each invoice saved as a separate file C:Desktop\invoices
Invoices have concurrent invoice numbers starting with 12001
- the first two digits represents the year.
Each product order saved as a separate file C:Desktop\Orders
Orders have concurrent order numbers starting with O12001
- The first two digits represent the year.
Invoices and orders are in the same format
- Due to this, the table array for both are the same
- Array for the vlookup is C23:I37
My Goals:
1. Be able to type in the invoice number in column A on the invoice tab and have vlookups auto populate in columns C - Q.
- The vlookup say for Invoice 12001 in column C would be Vlookup(C1,C23:I37,7,false) with the array being the array from the corresponding invoice.
2. Be able to type in the order number in Column A on the Order tab and have vlookups auto populate in columns C - Q.
- The Vlookup for orders would be the same as on the invoice tab, just referring to the corresponding order number instead.
3. Have the Invoice date and order date auto populate when the invoice/order number is entered in Column A on the invoice and order tab.
I hope I've explained my intentions thoroughly. In the end all I want to have to enter in is the invoice number into Column A on the invoice tab and the order number into Column A on the Order tab and have a current inventory auto populate based on these entries. If someone could lend some helpful tips my way I would appreciate it. My biggest issue is trying to target information that is stored in a different file. Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much!