
I am trying to make a scoreboard for a weightlifting competition and would like to use a userform to display infomation about the sportsman currently participating at any point in the competition.

The setup of my spreadsheet shows in rows the name of the participant, their current rank, birth date, name of club and successful or failed attempts.

A brief overview of the competition format is that the weight on the bar will always rise so the sportsman with the lowest first attempt will go first. The next attempt will be the next highest nominated weight and so on.

If a lift is successful, i have applied conditional formatting to highlight cell text in green. If it is a failure, i have set conditional formatting to highight the cell text in red (if an "x" is typed next to the number.

Firstly, is there a macro out there which will automatically highlight the row of the sportsman currently participating? I.e highlight the row which contains the lowest number in the attempts column?

Secondly, (and the main part of the question), i would like this information (which will obviously be constantly updated) to be displayed in a userform so the audience can see infomation about the lifter currently taking an attempt. The userform will sit on a second screen whilst the spreadsheet will be on the first.

To do this i have used labels in a userform and assigned values to the userforms from the sheet i will be editing. The only problem is that the spreadsheet by default cannot be edited whilst the userform is open unless you set the modal property to false. I have found that if this property is set to false the labels in the userform do not update which presents me with a bit of a conundrum!

Is there a way i can work on the spreadsheet (add the scores in as the competiton progresses) whilst the userform is open and constantly updates?

Any help would be much appreciated!