You are right again, it is not something accessed by PrintOut.
Ok here is the full problem. I use a virtual printer (DoPDF) to create a .PDF document from Excel sheets. I want a turnkey solution to print the sheet into a specific folder. In the old version of the software (Ver 6) I could do this using the following code:
This would set the Z:\invoices\maintenance\PDF\ as the default folder for the DoPDF virtual printer.
However I now have DoPDF ver7 so I made a small change to the code to reflect this:
So the only change is 4 x 6's changed to 7's. But now the default folder for the virtual DoPDF printer stays at the current users "My Documents" folder. (This is the software default in both V6 & V7).
I was hoping that one of the parameters in the PRINT() macro woud be a ' set file location' that would force the default folder change.
Now of course I know the error/change is in the virtual printer but I was looking for an Excel 'work around'. I am looking for a proper answer from the DoPDF software writers too.