Dear All,
I am try to Rename Multiple PDF files with the Excel sheet Data.
Column A -Contains ,Original PDF File Name
Column B -Contains, to be Rename File Name
My Pdf files were in the folder path-E:\test
I took the Vb code from our fourm only.
But when try to run the macro, it shows "Run time Error '53': "File Not Found.
Please help to solve.
Thanks In Advance.
Sub Rename_All() Dim lastRow As Long, row As Long Dim path As String lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row For row = 1 To lastRow path = Left(Cells(row, "A").Value, InStrRev(Cells(row, "A").Value, "\")) Name Cells(row, "A").Value As path & Cells(row, "B").Value Next End Sub