Hi There,
Need help for resolving the below situation:
Every time after a new batch extract I have to copy column to O from the new batch extact file at the last blank row and fill the formulas from A to H along with the new batch number.
I have a macro which copy the new batch extract from new batch extract file at the firct blank row from column I through to last column. And it works perfectly fine.
What I need is to update the macro to populate the formuals once I add any data for a new batch.
I have attached a sample file to make things clearly understand what I am explaining. In
the file 19th row to 24th row refers the new batch which I want to populate the formulas with for column A to H. I have copied the Column I to O fron the new batch extract say 6.
Any ideas how can I say to fill these columns with formulas until last row upto which
data is available.
Any help and advice is very appreciated.
My Code is below :
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