Dear All,
I have a problem with a worksheet that my company accounting system exports every month.
Attached : sample of the worksheet.
In column ( F ) , I need a macro to do the following calculations:
1- Check for the Title – if it begins with "Cost Center"
2- Check for the Title – if it begins with "Account Code"
3- Detect the Range Start just below "Account Code" , and End with the row above "Total"
4- Concatenate the string written in each row of the range with the string in "Cost Center"
The Story is:
Each Month I've this worksheet with hundreds of Cost Centers and subsidiary Account Codes, And to be able to analyze the accounts efficiently I need to concatenate both Cost Centers & Account Codes manually ( as you see coloring sample in the attached file ).
Which led to wasting many hours , and high risk of error while copying and pasting formulas.
Your help on this matter will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards.