Hi Everyone,
I am new to the Forum and sort of New to VBA etc.
I currently trying to write a macro to find a value from another cell and then copy some other cells off that line to the cells next to it. Simple right??? I will try and explain further
What I am after is a search on Cell D2 to find a match in Column E. When a match is found it will copy and paste cells A, B, C of the corosponding matched line in celll F2, G2, and H2. If another match is found it will paste these in I2, J2, K2 etc. Once the search gets to the bottom of the list I want it to loop and then search D3 against Column E and reapeat until the bottom of D column is found to be empty.
I can with inreason do all parts of this singularily however I seem to have trouble working out a good way to loop. I have tried the find macro however I then get very lost in all of the parametres it would be nice if these were really spelled out??
Any help and ideas are greatly appreciated.
Name..... Address One......... Address Two......... 15..........65
Name..... Address One......... Address Two..........19......... 44
Name..... Address One......... Address Two......... 23......... 17
Name..... Address One..........Address Two......... 35......... 19
Name..... Address One......... Address Two......... 18......... 21
Name..... Address One......... Address Two......... 28......... 5
Name..... Address One......... Address Two......... 19......... 37