Hi All,
I'm new to macros,I need some help to import tab seperated text file to excel.
Tried using workbooks.opentext but failed doing ,think it accepts onlt txt files.
Any help here is highly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Hi All,
I'm new to macros,I need some help to import tab seperated text file to excel.
Tried using workbooks.opentext but failed doing ,think it accepts onlt txt files.
Any help here is highly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Run the macro recorder and (slowly, checking each dialog box option) do it by hand.
You can control all sorts of aspects if you need to.
Then you have the VBA code you need.
The code is very simple if you don't need those options, but see for yourself.
Brynbaker:Thanks for your Reply,Let me explain in detail,
Im able to import ttx to excel with open text method if I specify only the filename parameter,but I wanted to specify the origin parameter with 950 in parameters list because my file contains chinese charcaters.If Specify Origin:=950 in the parameters list then its throwing me error.Kindly suggesst what can be done here .......
I'm sorry, I have no experience with non English character sets, so I have no ideas. Good luck.
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