Hello all,
I'm writing this macro that takes a location, date and value and displays it in a few different ways. The problem is that in the "Summary Table" Worksheet in the attached file, the macro gives me an error here:
st.Cells(9, k) = repeatNCCount
The objective is to reference the "Exception Grid" worksheet and check if there are more than one cells with a value of "1" each month. The locations are across row 2 labeled 1-83 (To hide their identity).
What I can't get it to do is to display the sum of the sites, with values of <0.50 that occur more than twice a month, on the "Number of repeat non conforming sites" row.
Anyone have any idea as to why that happens? How can I fix it?
PS All the data has been already loaded in the excel file, just hit OK when your'e prompted to! To clarify, whenever a value of <0.50 is detected, it is recorded as a "1" on the exception grid worksheet.
Copy of Matthew_Calcs_DisinfectantResidual-Final.zip